Friday, April 18, 2008

There's A Gator In There!

Look at the water, just a little from the left, you'll see a black spot with a circular ripple around it ... that's a Gator. He ducked when he saw me!!

As always .... CLICK TO ENLARGE for a better view.


Janice Thomson said...

Ok I'm outta there right now - ain't no gator gurl that's fur shore.LOL
But the scenery is nice as usual.

Champ Townboy said...

You crack me up Janice. They're just a bunch of big babies ... they always skidaddle when they see me!!

Carletta said...

The speed limit sign says 35 - I'll be breaking the law getting outta there!

The photo is really nice though - the colors, the reflection, the framing, throw in a little gator ripple and it's good to go!:)

Small City Scenes said...

I don't know if they are a bunch of babies or not. AND I don't want to find out. I hear they can move REAL fast. You really can see the ripple and circle when you enlarge the picture. Fine photo GT. MB

Lynette said...

I right glad he ducked, too!

Flying Solo said...

Didnt know that were limit speed for gators!!

George Townboy said...

Carletta: I'm working on my reps to make sure I have a chance, lol!!

MB: They are really fast, and flexible too!! Thank you!

Lynette: I think this was the three footer, although it is hard to tell just by the snout.

Coca Bixinhos: We can only hope that it's a slow one that I can outrun!!